FEb. 4 progress
First pass at the ground. There will be more detail, later. I did the sky, yesterday, but forgot to post. Life is more than a bit surreal, of late… and not in a good way. Painting is helping me keep myself together. I hope it can keep doing that. I hope I can keep doing…
jan. 30 progress
The last of the big rocks are in there. Onto the rest, next time.
Jan. 29 painting
More rocks. Doing what I do, or at least trying.
Jan. 28 progress
Did some more rocks, tonight. I didn’t spend as much time in the studio as I’d have liked… it’s just so hard to get motivated to do anything, these days. The world is just so awful. Maybe I’ll feel like doing more, tomorrow.
Jan. 27 painting progress
Still more rocks.
Thursday progress
I forgot to post this Thursday night. Got some more rocks in, over the past couple of days. It’s hard to motivate one’s self to create, with all the destruction going on out there. Still, if I don’t paint, I will eventually go crazy. I do what I can.
Jan 20 progress
Still more rocks. (It’s gonna be rocks for a while)
January 16 progress
Slept better, so I painted even more rocks. (It’s gonna be rocks for a while)
A little more
A little more progress on those rocks. Had a terrible night’s sleep, last night… too tired to do more. Somehow, I don’t think I’ll be sleeping well again, for a good long while.
New Year, New Painting
Hey! I thought I’d try to use this thing again, as social media is turning into a useless sewer. Here’s one I just started. Getting into the rocks, after getting the rest of the clouds in.